Insurance for our Climate

How resilient PV site design impacts Nat Cat modeling & Property Insurance premiums

Nicole Thompson, Data Science Manager, Property

Only you (and your O&M provider and equipment manufacturer) can prevent equipment fires: Insights from maintenance logs on thermal events and equipment fires

Veronica Anderson, Data Scientist

Solar v Nature: Can this renewable energy resource stand its ground?

Reilly Fagan, Insurance Analyst

Completing the Feedback Loop: Linking Data, Manufacturers, andInsurance Markets

Adam Shinn, Data Science Manager

Bringing solar availability assumptions down to Earth: empirical data can drive the industry forward

Hannah Rasmussen, Data Quality Lead

Our Insights

We strive to work with the industry and share our collaborative insights widely. Find some of our publications by clicking the images below:

Solar Risk Assessment

Designed intentionally for a non-technical financial community, the Solar Risk Assessment aims to provide investors with the latest insights on the evolution of solar generation risk. Fundamentally, it is our hope that this report will serve as a guide for investors who recognize the importance of allowing data-based insights to inform the deployment of capital.

Solar Generation Index

With operating data from 500+ utility-scale systems provided by industry partners the kWh Analytics database, the Solar Generation Index, is the industry’s most comprehensive assessment of asset performance. The goal: develop an index to track the magnitude of the industry’s accuracy — or inaccuracy — when determining a solar project’s “most likely production” P50 estimate.

Thought Leadership

kWh Analytics establishes its thought leadership in the climate insurance industry through regular publication of insightful articles and reports. These publications provide valuable perspectives and analysis on renewable energy risk modeling, developments in climate and weather risk mitigation, and other emerging topics

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